Tombstone of Fernán Martínez de Pangua the Elder

The tombstone of Canon Fernán Martínez de Pangua the Elder is carved in stone and dates back to the early 16th century. It bears his coat of arms in the central part and an inscription in Gothic characters surmounts his coat of arms and runs along the edge. Fernán Martínez de Pangua, ill and awaiting his death, drew up his will in 1530. His wish was to be buried in his family chapel, where he had founded a chaplaincy and intended to maintain this with the income from some of his properties. He was finally buried as he had requested in the grave at his disposal in his own chapel, as highlighted by this tombstone.


Ficha técnica

  • Author: Anonymous
  • Date: Early 16th century
  • Technique: Stone carving
  • Measurements: 191 x 95 x 24 cm
  • Place: Saint Mary’s Cathedral (Vitoria-Gasteiz)


AZCÁRATE RISTORI, José M.ª de. “Catedral de Santa María (catedral Vieja)”. En: PORTILLA VITORIA, Micaela J. et al. Catálogo Monumental Diócesis de Vitoria: Ciudad de Vitoria. Vitoria-Gasteiz: Obra Cultural de la Caja de Ahorros Municipal, tomo III, 1968, p. 104.

MARTÍN MIGUEL, María Ángeles. Arte y cultura en Vitoria durante el siglo XVI. Vitoria-Gasteiz: Ayuntamiento de Vitoria-Gasteiz, 1998, pp. 194-195.

BARTOLOMÉ GARCÍA, Fernando R. “Fundación de la capilla de la Concepción de la catedral Santa María de Vitoria”, Ars Bilduma, n.º 2, 2012, pp. 15-34.